Millions of people use Social Media every single day. Are you taking advantage of this mass audience and reaching them with your company’s message? Many companies don’t have the time or expert staff to actively participate in social media on a daily basis. And that is what it takes to maintain a social media presence.

Niki Lopez is a Social Media Expert that can help you develop and execute a successful online marketing campaign. She is dedicated to helping your company build relationships, link to important sections within your site, and develop brand awareness.

Main Components of Social Media Marketing


Who do you want to target online?

  • What type of content do you want to use to engage your audience?
  • How often do you want to reach your audience?
  • How do you effectively position your company online?

Match Your Content to Web Demand

  • Optimize your social media campaign by finding the most popular and useful content related to your business and industry.
  • Create a library of content to post across your social media platforms.
  • Monitor current buzz on social networks and track your keywords through programs like Google Alerts and Social Mention.
  • Follow and stay current with industry experts and sources in your field.

Engage Your Customer Online

  • Interaction is vital and the main component of social media
  • Drive traffic to your site by having someone listen to and participate in conversations about your product or service.

Social Media Services include:

  • Social Media audit
  • Daily/Weekly posting to various social media platforms*
  • Scheduled posts
  • Curated, trending post customized for your brand and target audience.
  • Custom & branded memes, graphics, images
  • Analytics & reports

* Social Media Management services are available in 3, 6 & 12 month contracts.

>> For rates or to get started TODAY: CLICK HERE  <<



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